Van Life: Year 2

Beginning with the Van Life Year 2 page, these #vanlife pages are going to provide a snapshot of our “moment in time” travels. We’ve been returning to some of these incredible destinations for over a decade, and each visit is absolutely unique and different. We want to share the differences inherent in each visit in these travel logs.

Each destination photo has now been shot during that year’s visit to the destination. The black button now links out to a route or adventure that I/we actually completed during that particular visit.

For more exhaustive and refined information on each destination, please visit the Adventure Guides Page and navigate by choosing the state/country -> destination that you’re interested in.


  • This page only documents the second year of my van life travels and not my extensive domestic and international travels over the previous 14+ years. For more exhaustive documentation, please see the Adventure Guides tab.

  • Each featured photo was taken during the most recent visit to the destination.

  • The black button links out to a route or adventure that I/we actually completed during that particular visit.

  • Destinations are only listed once, even if I visited a destination multiple times.

  • Definitions, in descending order of detail:

    • Guidebook: A collection of recommended routes on a particular theme, with an overview of the destination.

    • Article: Article that I’ve written about a destination.

    • Route: Recommended route with a detailed written overview.

    • Trail: Trail listing in a database.

    • Adventure: A lived adventure that I actually went on, but have not yet expanded with additional information to create a route.

  • I haven’t listed every single resource that I’ve published for each destination. For more exhaustive and refined information on each destination, please visit the Adventure Guides Page and navigate by choosing the state/country -> destination that you’re interested in. For even more routes and guidebooks, be sure to visit And for more articles, be sure to visit