Adventure Guides Now Live for Oregon
Pacific City
Even in 2021, it can be difficult to find reliable, high-quality information to help plan your next big adventure. Some of the major mapping apps provide little more than squiggly lines on a white background that give you zero information to help you determine, “is this trail going to be a fun ride?” or “out of all these trails, which ones should I spend my limited time riding, and which ones should I skip?”
I’ve spent my entire career helping document the best trails across the nation and around the world in an effort to answer those exact questions. The whole purpose of my past four years of work at FATMAP, especially, has been to create high-quality guides and adventure content to help you go on the best adventures possible!
While some negative commenters are concerned that sharing this information will only contribute to overcrowding of our outdoor spaces, I’ve ridden so many incredible trails over the years that are actually disappearing from lack of use. I personally believe that by documenting even more incredible trails and destinations, we can actually spread the trail traffic out, instead of trying to crowd millions of hikers and bikers onto, oh, say the Apex Trail in Golden.
To that end, I’ve decided to better organize and share the best articles, guidebooks, and recommended routes that I’ve documented over the past 14+ years, to give you hundreds of options for your next mountain biking or hiking trip. A few weeks ago I announced that I’d be sharing specific links and recommendations on my #VanLife page, but I realized that it would be a disservice to you, my readers, to not share guides and recommendations from the 13+ years before I moved into a van.
I’ve launched a new tab in the navigation bar titled “Adventure Guides.” In this drop-down tab, you’ll find links to landing pages with adventure guides organized state by state and country by country, in alphabetical order.
Oregon Guides Now Live
I’m stoked to announce the first batch of guides from Oregon is now live! I spent over half of 2020 in Oregon, along with extensive visits to the state in 2013, 2019, and 2021. On the Oregon Adventure Guides page, I’ve shared articles, guidebooks, recommended routes, and personal adventures from:
Crater Lake National Park
Falls City
Grants Pass
Hood River
Klamath Falls
La Grande
Silver Falls State Park
Instead of just sending everyone and their mom to Bend, I’ve shared 20 different destinations in this incredible state! Browse through the photos, pick a destination that looks intriguing, and dive into the guides and explore!